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Meet The Miscellaneous Momma

How It All Got Started - I'm the miscellaneous momma and I just wanted to tell you how this all got started... last night, my husband and I were talking.  I had just read to him a few paragraphs that I randomly starting writing in my head on the drive home and continued writing in the notes on my phone while standing in my laundry room, mid-load.  This is how I live my life these days... Random, Spur of the moment, Squeezing in what I can, when I can.  I've always wanted to write, especially books (I almost pursued journalism in college).  Anyway, I have a million ideas in my head (for all kinds of things, really) and I love to write, and suddenly as we were talking, it hit me: Start a blog.  So, I told him out of nowhere, "I think I'll start a blog." and so here I am, the next day, starting a blog.  if i don't do it now, it will just remain an idea in my head, floating around with all the rest.  I sat in my car when I first got home this afternoon and...

Read with Me: My List of Faves

These are some books I 10/10 recommend.  I'll add to this as I come across more.  

First is 100%  The Jesus Bible.  I have had many versions of the Bible and study Bibles over the years, but this is the first one I loved so much I can't stop sharing about it.  I got it at a Passion Conference when it first came out.  They gave one to everyone in attendance, and then I stuck it on a shelf for several years.  I already had a perfectly good Bible and a journaling Bible, so I didn't feel the need to read this one too.  I didn't realize the treasure I had just collecting dust.  Last year, I read through the Bible in a year.  It wasn't the first time, but it was the first time I felt like I really understood it.  This specific version has notes and sidebars throughout the Bible connecting to Jesus, and it also has added information for each book of the Bible explaining not just the history but also key themes and more importantly how each book connects to Jesus.  There are so many things I overlooked before that I never would have picked up on.  It is really amazing.  As I read through the Bible last year, I read every single extra note, and it truly brought me greater understanding and a better connection to Jesus.  It also has plenty of space in the margins for notes and journaling, which I love.  Now it comes in beautiful colors and designs and even leatherbound instead of just the grey hardback version I have.  If you need a new study Bible or just need a fresh approach, this is it!!

Next, I have to recommend
The Jesus Storybook Bible.  I don't remember when I first heard of this, but I've had it for about a decade now because I've been reading it periodically to my kids since my oldest were toddlers.  Just like The Jesus Bible, this Bible for kids connects all the major stories of the Bible to Jesus, but it does it in such a unique and poetic way.  I have been drawn to tears reading this children's book too many times to count.  Every year, we use this Bible for Advent.  They even made corresponding coloring books and DVDs that my kids have with the same sweet artwork.  The kids like to color as I'm reading the same story.  The DVDs are very calming and great for a relaxing movie to help your kiddos wind down at night that isn't more mind-numbing YouTube videos.  These would definitely make great Easter basket stuffers.  If you need a good children's Bible to introduce some of the big Bible stories to your kids, this is it.  This also makes a great Baby Shower or 1st birthday gift!


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